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Doing These 18 Things Can Improve Your Life.

James Beriah
5 min readMay 27, 2020

How You Can Invite Lasting Change and Happiness Into Your Life.

It’s very easy to get sucked into the world of whining and complaining. I want you to be very honest with yourself. How many times do you complain in a day? If the answer to that question is every other day. Then it would be wise to have a mind-shift and start cultivating new thoughts and ways of looking at things. This will make you appreciate life more.

I happened to come across this list on a youtube comment section. I have been planning how I can expound more on it so that it creates value. Without further ado, let’s get right into it.

  1. Nofap- This means to give up pornography and masturbation addiction. The term came from fap alluding to male masturbation. But, it cuts across the board even to the females. Learning how to transmute sexual cravings is the best thing one can do. You will experience true freedom when you are no longer enslaved to your desires.
  2. Semen retention- For guys this is vital. Many of us tend to feel so anxious and lacking in energy. That is because you are releasing a lot of energy given to you by The Creator. You are releasing life force/nutrients. Men should learn to keep their seed, as it makes you more aggressive in life as a man. You wake up motivated and driven to pursue your life purpose. If you are a man who craves attracting women. This will serve you right. Nonetheless, semen retention should be done for the benefit of oneself. Look at it this way, Animals out in the wild (Male Animals) don’t succumb to masturbation every day. If anything, they only release it when its mating season. Why can’t we men cultivate such a mentality?
  3. Water fasting- This is a type of fast in which you cannot consume anything besides water. Most of them last from 24–72hrs. Water fasting is for a variety of reasons. Such as, “detoxing,” to lose weight, spiritual reasons, or when preparing for a medical procedure. Be sure to seek medical supervision before engaging in any form of fast, since it comes with many health risks.
  4. Working out. I am quite sure we all had our new year’s resolution jotted down. I can bet every penny I own that losing weight and getting in shape was on that list. Due to the global pandemic, are you still working out? Contrary to popular belief. You don’t need a gym to get in shape, they’re many exercises one can do at the comfort of your own home. Use youtube to find out examples of simple exercises. You can do to burn off all the calories you have gained during this lockdown period. Getting in shape helps you feel more comfortable about yourself. So start exercising now.
  5. Eating and drinking healthier. Are you guilty of only eating fries, pizza, and coke every day for lunch and dinner? Eating healthy means that you have a well-balanced diet in all your meals. Don’t forget about your fruits and veggies too!
  6. Drinking enough water daily. It’s quite fascinating how people spend hundreds of dollars on facial products. When they could hydrate more often and change their pillowcases and bedsheets. Guys, drink 3–4 liters of water a day and watch your skin glow up.
  7. Having a leader mentality- Boils down to Accountability( acceptance of consequences and willing answerability). Responsibility(reliability, commitment, duty, obligation), Empowerment(initiative, self-sufficiency, drive) Learning(continuous learning and improvement).
  8. Making up your bed. This simple activity can make your brain crave structure and organization.
  9. Reading books- I know the majority are going to say I am not a reader. But let me tell you, you could find your next business idea from reading a few books. If you can’t read a two hundred paged book, then you could start with a simple 50 paged ebook and build the habit in 21 days.
  10. Walking in nature- I love doing this. Every day after dealing with stresses. I get my headphones and go for a 20-minute walk around the neighborhood. It helps when it comes to clearing one’s head and enjoy the environment, the fresh air, the birds, the sun. Trust me walking in nature makes one appreciate life and its essence more.
  11. Showing gratitude. Instead of whining and complaining all the time about life. why don’t you start counting your blessings and naming them one by one? The law of attraction is existent. The more you complain about life. The universe matches your energy and gives you more things to complain about. With that knowledge in mind. Why don’t you start giving the universe reason to give you more things to be grateful for?
  12. Having priorities- If you don’t have any priorities in life then, it means you go with the wind. Learn to have some priorities in life and stick to them.
  13. Having an abundance mindset. Stop thinking you deserve less and sticking in toxic situations. Because you think there is nothing good for you out there. If you are struggling in a toxic relationship. You deserve better, there’s someone out there who would love you the way you are. If you are in a job that you hate, make those applications. You may end up getting a better job.
  14. Don’t underestimate yourself. You have so many people looking up to you, yet you are here underestimating yourself. Learn to believe in yourself when no one does. Shoot for the stars and go pursue your dreams and goals.
  15. Learn from your failures to win. You are out here not taking risks because you are afraid of failure, then how do you expect to win? Be courageous and take the leap of faith. Some of the greatest entrepreneurs of all time didn’t wake up and become billionaires. They took their Ls and turned them in Ws. Stop caring so much about what people say when you try and fail.
  16. Try to earn your income online- Passive income is something that we should all strive for as human beings. Imagine sleeping and getting a message that your bank account is credited? An amazing feeling isn’t it? Start researching and find out how you can start earning some income online. Life happens and that permanent job that you depend on can come to an end. What happens then?
  17. Stop comparing yourself to others. If you are struggling with this. I would recommend that you take time off social media. Focus on yourself, work on your insecurities, and get better as a human being. Remember, the person’s life that you are admiring is not always rosy. Not all that glitters is gold.
  18. Not relying on relationships to make you feel good (especially for males…). Happiness comes from within. No amount of companionship can make you feel happy about yourself if you haven’t worked on the pursuit of happiness yourself. You don’t need a relationship to feel good as a man. Take time and hang around your friends, go for concerts, play your PlayStation and enjoy life.

Life is full of everyday struggles. It gives you lemons and you should make lemonade. Find ways to experience life to the fullest and make it worth living and enjoyable.



James Beriah

I love reading, but above all, I enjoy writing sometimes.